Saturday, August 15, 2020

Humor - Trying to Describe Lupita Nyong'o's Voice in Us (2019)

Lupita Nyong'o sounds like she taped nails to a rake and scraped it across a chalk mine.

Lupita Nyongo sounds like she strips varnish off boats by whispering at it.

Lupita Nyongo sounds like cockroaches crawling through your home at night.

Lupita Nyong'o sounds like a kid playing violin for the first time.

Lupita Nyong'o sounds like a mannequin that's been given life and hates existence.

Lupita Nyong'o sounds like she's never cried in her life and saved all her sadness for this moment.

Lupita Nyongo sounds like the exact opposite of what she looks like in the second gif.

Lupita Nyong'o sounds like existential fears about your own failures given flesh.

 Lupita Nyongo sounds like a demon scraping hatred out of her vocal cords.

In conclusion, she sounds scary, y'all. Yikes.

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