Friday, April 3, 2020

Malcolm X

Starring: Denzel Washington, Angela Bassett, Christopher Plummer
Directed by: Spike Lee
Pretty good! I’ve read the autobiography this is based on and this is a loyal adaptation that goes by faster than the book. That said, it’s three and a half hours, and the first hour could’ve been thirty minutes. You’re never gonna have a better time to watch this, ‘cause you’ll never have time to watch it otherwise. Aside from that, it’s great.

Denzel Washington kills it — he’s a leading man who can channel X’s swagger and not feel like a copy. After the slow hour, the last two hours are straight fire from beginning to end.

This is PG-13 so you can watch it with the kids. Maybe split it up over a few nights due to length.

Black Panther’s mother is Malcolm X’s wife in this! What a resumé!

Overall, very good piece of American history. Also, Nelson Mandela is in it! This came out in ‘92! He hadn’t even gotten elected yet! Wow!

I don’t want to wholeheartedly recommend this and then have someone get surprised by some of the content, so I’m gonna suggest that you check the content advisory if you’re worried about what you’re gonna get. Guilt absolved

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