Sunday, May 3, 2020

Run All Night

Directed by: The director of Unknown and Non-Stop, i.e. one of Liam Neeson’s go-to action guys. 

Basically okay. I watched it on TV so there’s probably some swearing that got cut. I think it’s rated R ‘cause there’s some violent content, but it’s basically what you’d expect out of a mid-level action film. I’d give it three stars for the people that like this sort of thing. It’s got an all-star cast supporting it.

This ironically feels like another angle on the plot of The Irishman, which is funny ‘cause,

A) This came out four years before Irishman did, and,
B) The lead Liam Neeson IS actually Irish. 

Their leads are the same - a retired hitman for a criminal outfit has trouble reconciling with their kid because of the work they’ve done, and at the end they reach some satisfaction vis-a-vís the kid, even if things don’t work out. Liam Neeson action films feel like airport novels - the point isn’t to have some bigger meaning; the point is to engage your mind for a few hours with a familiar and intellectually exciting setting. And that does this all right 

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