Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)

Directed by: Jeff Fowler
Starring: James Marsden, Jim Carrey, Tika Sumpter, Ben Schwartz

As someone who lived through the '90's/early 2000's obsession with "animated characters in real life" films (Rocky and Bullwinkle, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Space Jam, Looney Tunes Back In Action), I can tell you this film is basically okay. And as someone who's lived through Hollywood's repeated attempts to make video-game movies and being mostly disappointed, I can tell you this film is actually quite good. I think making it the former actually helped, since there are way more successful "animated characters in real life" films than there are successful video-game films.

This film was good - solid cast, good pacing, and just a cutesy, wholesome vibe. It's an hour forty too, so if if you don't like it, at least it'll be short. It borrowed from other good films without ever feeling derivative, and it was cartoony and snappy enough that you felt entertained watching it. Jim Carrey drops some great zingers in this, and Sonic the Hedgehog never becomes as fully annoying as he could be.

If you're a fan of the games, you'll probably love this. If you're a noob for the games, like I mostly am, then you'll STILL like it. SonicGate aside, this studio really nailed it with the product, and the fact that they delayed production to fix the look of the character really is an example of a success coming from PR - companies may be reluctant to fix mistakes because ANNOUNCING their mistake makes them look incompetent and costs money; but coming out, taking responsibility and fixing the mistake makes you LOOK great and accountable, and will create goodwill and customers that compensate for the initial embarrassment and loss. This film made more money by delaying production than it ever would've done by leaving it as is.

So yeah, good time. 3.5 out of 5.

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